The official annual reporting cycle in PRTR-España follows the scheme shown below:

Three dates are important from the legal point of view:
  • June 30th, Regional Governments have to submit all the information to the Ministry; 
  • November 15th, the information is published on the Spanish web site (11 months after the reference year) 
  • March 31st, submission by MS to E-PRTR Register (15 months after the reference year)

From Monday to Friday 
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
(+34) 91 749 91 30
PRTR-Spain in the National Statistical Plan (PEN 2021-2024).

If you are interested in a particular issue or if you have any suggestion, please use our contact form.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the 2023 data will not be available on the web on 15 November. The information will be available as soon as possible.