What information can you find here?
The installation/facility inventory displays all facilities in PRTR-España under different criteria:
- Autonomous Communities/province (multiselection)
- River basin districts (multiselection)
- PRTR Activities/categories (multiselection)
- Registred facilities (IPPC/PRTR/all of them):
- All: facilities/installations in PRTR-España
- PRTR Facilities: all facilities that inform to E-PRTR
- AAI installations: facilities/installations with an IPPC/ID Permit and under Annexe I- IED activities
- Parts: Large Combustion Plants, Waste Incineration and waste Co-Incineration Plants
- Historic inventory of facilities (EPER period/PRTR period)
In “registered facilities” you can chose:
Only IPPC: facilities that develop an activity included in the IPPC legislation.
- Only PRTR: the facilities that develop PRTR activities but that are not affected by the IPPC legislation.
If you want more information regarding industrial activities included in PRTR but not in IPPC, consult annex 1 of the Real Decreto 508/2007.
IMPORTANT: “Status” refers to whether the facility/installation is active or not at the moment of the consult:
- - Facility/installation active: those facilities which industrial activity is in operation.
- - Non-active facility/installation: this category includes only the facilities/installations that are closed, close down or dismantled, which means that have a total cessation of their industrial activities.
As a result you will get a list of facilities/installations of the inventory with the selected options.
Just “clicking” on the facility’s name is possible to access to the facility template. Then administrative data based on the EU-Registry scheme and all the validated information on emissions and wastes over threshold per every reporting year since 2001 are shown. Also additional information can be offered when available. In the AAI section you can find, if applicable, information on the environmental permit of the installation.